Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Twisted Truth

For over the past generations the gospel has been manipulated into many forms which have forced people to believe that there is more than ONE God and some even believing that there is no God at all. How is this so? First of all, there have been people who have taken the truth and altered it into many forms in order to seek either profit or the approval of man in order to have followers who will help promote their beliefs. Secondly, there are some who believe that there is no God at all because they simply can not see him with the human eye, so therefore it must be some man made myth from an unproven perspective. Next, there are those who believe that science proves everything and if it can be scientifically proven it is possible and if not well...
All of these perspectives have been factors which have hindered the process of spiritual growth and also the deterioration of our world because of the lack of knowledge which can only be given by the reading of God's word for ourselves versus relying on someone to spoon feed us their version of the gospel. Through reading his word and spending time with him daily in prayer and doing what it says one can then say that they truly LOVE GOD because without a relationship with him we DO NOT know love because GOD is LOVE. Oh... and for those of you who say, " I believe in God ", you must also believe in his son Jesus Christ who died for our sins and who we must also go through in order to gain access into the kingdom of HEAVEN. Lastly, science DOES NOT prove EVERYTHING !! (Example: Whenever certain things happen at random such as people who do not die in horrendous accidents or a child that is born from a mother that supposedly could not give birth according to doctors who study science.) In these situations, they are called MIRACLES and there is only one who can perform such an activity and he is JEHOVAH GOD. So next time you sitting alone at the beach or the park just look around and think just how the waters have their boundaries or how the sun hangs in the sky.
God Bless !!

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